The Complete Buyer's Guide to Building and Pest Inspections in Victoria

Updated March 6, 2024 · 7 min read

Are you planning to hire a building and pest inspection specialist in Victoria? Or do you need clarification on the value of hiring an inspector? We’ve prepared this complete guide to help you through the entire process.

Here’s a complete guide to all benefits, factors, and considerations for buyers before getting building inspectors. Let’s dive in.

What is a Building and Pest Inspection Agency or Professional?

What is the Building and Pest Inspection Agency

So, what is a building and pest inspection agency or professional, and what do they do? These companies take care of comprehensive inspections conducted on properties before buying or selling. Doing this identifies any existing or potential issues within the structure of the building. You’ll also learn of pest infestations that could affect the property's safety, integrity, and value.

Typically, You have certified building and pest inspection professionals who provide detailed reports to the potential buyer or existing homeowner. The reports include

  • Findings;
  • Photographs; and
  • Recommendations for addressing any issues discovered during the inspection.

This information is crucial for informed decision-making regarding the property's purchase, sale, or maintenance. Here are the critical components of these building and pest inspections and what you should look for in their reports:

Building Inspection

  • Structural Integrity — Checks for any defects or issues with the property's structure, including the foundations, walls, roofs, floors, and other critical elements. The aim is to ensure the building complies with Australian Standards and Codes.

  • Condition Assessment — Assesses the condition of various property components, including windows, doors, plumbing, electrical systems, and more. This report will identify any wear and tear or maintenance issues.

Pest Inspection

  • Pest Activity — Specifically looks for signs of pest infestations. That includes termites, rodents, cockroaches, and other pests that could damage the property or pose health risks.

  • Damage Assessment — Evaluate the extent of any damage caused by pests, if any. The most critical focus areas are wooden structures and any part vulnerable to pest damage.

  • Risk Evaluation — Identifies areas susceptible to future pest infestations and advises on preventative measures to mitigate these risks.

Why You Should Hire a Building and Pest Inspector

Why You Should Hire a Building and Pest Inspector

Why is it better to hire a professional for a Building and Pest Inspection (BPI) when buying property in Victoria? It’s highly advisable for several compelling reasons:

1) Identify Hidden Problems

Professionals can uncover hidden issues you might not notice during a casual inspection. That will include structural damages, hidden pest infestations, or underlying problems that could lead to significant financial burdens in the future. Identifying these hidden issues can save you from investing in a property that requires extensive and costly repairs.

2) Negotiation Leverage

Building and Pest Inspection Findings can give you powerful leverage in your negotiation processes. If you find issues, you can negotiate for a lower price to account for the cost of repairs. You can also request the seller to fix the problems before proceeding with the purchase.

3) Peace of Mind

Knowing the exact condition of the property before purchasing can give you peace of mind. Understanding that your potential home does not have significant structural issues or pest infestations can assure you that you’re making a sound investment. It also helps in planning for maintenance and repairs in the future.

4) Financial Planning

A detailed inspection report from a BPI can help you budget for any necessary repairs or pest control measures before moving in.

This planning process will help you avoid unexpected expenses that could strain your finances after the purchase. When you know all these costs upfront, you can also decide whether or not to proceed with the purchase.

5) Safety and Compliance

A professional inspection checks if a property complies with Australian building codes and standards. You and your family’s safety if very much on the line here. It also helps avoid legal issues or the need for costly compliance work in the future.

Considerations When Hiring a Building and Pest Inspector

When hiring a Building and Pest Inspector in Australia, there are several key considerations to ensure you receive a comprehensive and reliable service. Here are some essential factors to consider:

  • Necessary Qualifications — Check that the inspector holds a current license and has the appropriate qualifications. They need to have a Diploma of Building and Construction (Building) (CPC50220), an Advanced Diploma of Building Surveying (CPC60121), or a Bachelor of Construction Management. They also need to hold a Construction Induction Card (White Card). Membership in a professional building inspector association isn’t required, but it’s helpful.

  • Insurance — Verify that the inspector has professional indemnity insurance to protect you in case of negligence or oversight. This will cover advice accuracy.

  • Experience — Look for an inspector with extensive experience in the field. Experienced inspectors are more likely to identify hidden issues and understand the local conditions and building practices that might affect the property.

  • Detailed Reports — You’ll want to work with a building inspector who creates detailed reports. They also need to be easy to understand. A good report should describe any issues found, the location, and photographs. It should also offer recommendations for addressing these issues. Ask for a sample report to ensure it meets your expectations.

  • Reputation and Reviews — Research the inspector’s reputation online through reviews and testimonials from previous clients. Recommendations from friends, family, or your real estate agent can also be valuable. You can also go through sites like Vetted because we’ve already vetted these inspectors for you.

  • Equipment — Check that the inspector uses the latest technology. They’ll use thermal imaging cameras, moisture meters, and drones for roof inspections. These tools can help detect hidden issues not visible to the naked eye.

  • Cost — Cost will always be a significant factor. But remember: the cheapest option isn’t always the best one. Compare prices with the inspector's qualifications, experience, and thoroughness.

  • Availability and Timing — Find an inspector that works within your required timeframe. Timing is essential, especially if you need the inspection results to decide within a specific period or for contractual reasons.

Building Inspection Conditions: What to Watch Out For

One of the most important things to consider before hiring a building inspector is their contract and terms and conditions. Here are some important notes to remember:

Building Inspection Conditions

Check building inspection conditions before signing anything. If a contract only allows cancellation for structural unsoundness, you might still have to buy the property despite other significant but non-structural issues.

Have a lawyer review your contract to ensure it allows you to back out if the building inspection doesn't meet your satisfaction, giving you more control over deciding based on the inspection's findings.

Pest Inspection Conditions

Avoid a contract that only allows you to cancel if the seller can't or won't fix termite damage could force you into buying a termite-infested property. It’s better to find an inspection that lets you cancel based on dissatisfaction with the pest inspection report.

Final Thoughts

The specifics of building and pest inspection clauses in your contract are not just minor details but pivotal elements that can significantly affect the outcome of your investment. Being well-informed and strategically prepared are your best defenses against potential pitfalls.

Looking for a building and pest inspector? Sign up for Vetted and get access to a directory of vetted BPIs. You don’t look for inspectors. They come to you. What could be simpler than that? Sign up for an account today. It costs you nothing!

Patrick Mabilog

Article by

Patrick Mabilog

Patrick is the Business Development Officer of Vetted. He oversees content marketing and growth efforts for Vetted by teaching aspiring homeowners how to find the right solutions and experts when buying a property.