Terms of Service

The owner and operator of this website is EASYHOME.COM.AU Pty Ltd (ACN 676 338 677). By accessing and using this website, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, which include our Privacy Policy (collectively referred to as the "Terms"). Throughout these Terms, the words 'us', 'we', 'Vetted', and 'our' refer to EASYHOME.COM.AU Pty Ltd.

Our website offers access to a platform that enables prospective buyers, current owners, or sellers of residential and commercial real estate (referred to as "Client" or "you" in these Terms) to acquire various due-diligence reports, including but not limited to building reports, timber and pest inspection reports, minimum rental standard reports, strata reports, and pre-conveyancing reports (collectively referred to as "Reports"). The platform also facilitates the provision of conveyancing and other due-diligence services (referred to as "Services") by service providers (referred to as "Third Party Service Providers"). All services are provided not by Vetted but instead Third Party Service Providers. We retain the right to limit, suspend, terminate access to, or modify our website, in whole or in part, at any time.

All Reports or Services (collectively referred to as "Third Party Services") that you purchase through our website are obtained directly from the respective Third Party Service Provider.

We are not the supplier of the Third Party Services and are not a party to any agreement between you and any Third Party Service Provider. The provision of Third Party Services to you will be subject to the terms and conditions set forth by the relevant Third Party Service Provider.

Vetted explicitly disclaims any and all liability that may arise from the provision of Third Party Services to you.

Any decision you make to purchase, sell, or invest in real property is made entirely at your own risk.

We may issue you a username and password to enable access to and ordering of Third Party Services. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your username and password and are accountable for all activities conducted under your username. To order Third Party Services, you must be at least 18 years old and have the legal capacity to enter into a binding agreement.